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  • Cimarron Public Transit 580-718-0444


  • SoonerRide 877-404-4500


  • Gene’s Cab Co.580-762-2500


  • White Eagle Transit (open to community)580-763-0139


  • ITN Central Oklahoma (405) 602-1558


  • RSVP Provide a Ride (405) 605-3106


  • BrightStar  Edmond/Oklahoma City (405) 896-9600


  • Aging Services of Canadian County

Serves age 60 and over clients of Aging Services of Canadian County. Lift equipped vehicle is available and transportation is by appointment.

1300 S. Country Club Rd.

El Reno , OK 73036

Voice: 405-262-2552 or 405-262-7121


  • Brand Senior Center

Shopping, errands, medical appointment trips for persons who are elderly or disabled. Offered through a joint project with the City of Moore which provides drivers. Hours of operation approximately 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. Call one day in advance to schedule.

501 E. Main

Moore , OK 73160

Voice: 405-799-3130


  • El Reno Senior Citizens' Center

For persons age 55 or over and persons with disabilities, transportation is available for shopping, medical appointments, and other business within El Reno. Call in advance to schedule rides.

317 S. Grand

El Reno , OK 73036

Voice: 405-262-1968



EMBARK provides a wide range of transportation services, including special services for older adults and persons with disabilities. An application process is required for all special services programs provided. Programs include:

Plus: Public transportation within the service area for persons whose disability prevents them from using EMBARK’s fixed-route bus system. Lift-equipped vans operate weekdays and Saturdays. For more information call 405-235-7433.

Link: Evening and Sunday public transportation van service for riders in the area bound approximately by Meridian, Bryant, NW 63 and SW 74. The flexible route service operates when city buses do not run. All vehicles are wheelchair accessible. Call 405-688-6552 for information or to schedule a ride.

Share-A-Fare: provides a 40 percent discount on taxi fares for older adults and persons with disabilities who live in a participating area. Coupon books must be purchased in the city where the resident lives.

Bus Fare Discounts: Bus fares and passes are half price for persons 60 and older, or doctor certified as disabled. Participants must show an EMBARK photo ID or Medicare card. Call 405-235-7433 today for personal trip planning.

STEP - Shopping Shuttle: Is a donation based shuttle van service to designated grocery stores for persons 60 and older who live in the service area. Participants are picked up at their residence, senior citizen centers or Congregate Meal Site. Call 405-297-2583 to schedule a shopping trip.

Congregate Meal Transportation: Persons 60 and older who live within the service area are provided round trip van service to a local nutrition site for morning activities and a noon meal. Call 405-297-2583 to schedule meal transportation.

Helpline: A taxi service for emergency or medically related transportation for the homeless. It is coordinated through social service agencies and is underwritten by EMBARK and the City of Oklahoma City.

RSVP - PROVIDE-A-RIDE: The Retired Senior Volunteer Provide-A-Ride program links senior volunteer drivers with low to moderate income seniors in need of transportation to medical appointments.

Call 405-605-3106 to schedule a ride.​


  • Gatesway Lift Program


Broken Arrow area only. Must be certified by a doctor as unable to use regular public transit. $1.50 one-way fare. Curb to curb service.

1217 E. College

Broken Arrow , OK 74012

Voice: 918-258-3900

Fax: 918-259-1493


  • Kiwanis Kruiser

Furnishes door to door transportation to senior citizens for doctor appointments, groceries, and errands. For doctor appointments make reservation one week in advance. A lift equipped van serves the Norman area every day except on 2nd Tuesday of the month, when the vehicle is in service in Little Axe. Donation of 50 cents each way if affordable. No one is refused transportation. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday- Friday. Reservations are made the day previous to ride.

Aging Services of Cleveland County

601 N. Porter

Norman , OK 73071

Voice: 405-321-3200


  • Logan County Aging Services

Private non-profit entity dedicated to providing services to those aged 60 years and over. Transportation for persons age 60 plus. Lift equipped.

1102 East Warner Avenue

Guthrie , OK 73044

Voice: 405-282-1803

Fax: 405-282-1806


  • MedRide - Oklahoma Critical Care Transport

Visit MedRide - Oklahoma Critical Care Transport Website


MedRide is a service to assist people with physical limitations who require transportation to various locations, including doctor's appointments, hospital release, shopping, visiting family and friends

4225 SW 44th Street

Oklahoma City , OK 73119

Toll Free: 877-685-8267

Fax: 405-680-7433


  • Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Norman

Visit Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Norman Website

RSVP volunteers also provide transportation through the Provide a Ride program, helping people get to doctor visits and other important appointments.

Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency

1125 E. Main

Norman , OK 73071

Voice: 405-701-2132


  • Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Seminole

Visit Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Seminole Website

RSVP volunteers also provide transportation through the Provide a Ride program, helping people get to doctor visits and other important appointments.

Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency

512 N. Timmons, Seminole County

Seminole , OK 74868

Voice: 405-303-2389


  • Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Shawnee

Visit Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) in Shawnee Website

RSVP volunteers also provide transportation through the Provide a Ride program, helping people get to doctor visits and other important appointments.

Central Oklahoma Community Action Agency

401 N. Bell, Pottawatomie County

Shawnee , OK 74801

Voice: 405-275-7910


  • Tulsa Transit 

Visit Tulsa Transit Website


Fixed Route Buses: Buses run Monday through Saturday with no service on Sunday. Tulsa Transit's bus service is available throughout the City of Tulsa, and extends into Jenks, Sand Springs and Broken Arrow. Tulsa Transit also offers reduced fares for youth, seniors and persons with disabilities. If you're 75 or older, you can get a Super Senior pass and ride free. All buses are lift-equipped.

The Lift: The Lift Program is Tulsa Transit's curb-to-curb paratransit service for persons with disabilities who have been determined ADA Paratransit Eligible and who are five (5) years of age or older. The Lift uses both lift-equipped vans and regular taxi cabs. Hours of operation are 4:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday - Friday, and 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays.
Generally, rides should be scheduled before 5 p.m. one day in advance, and trips can be scheduled as much as 7 days in advance. Service boundaries are the Tulsa city limits.

Carpool and Vanpool: The Rideshare program links drivers for carpooling purposes.

Medical trips: Medical appointment transportation is provided for low income persons with no access to a vehicle or bus service. Eligibility is determined by approved clinics and agencies.


Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority

510 S. Rockford Ave., P.O. Box 52488

Tulsa , OK 74120

Voice: 918-582-2100 Customer Info.

918-585-1195 Administration

Fax: 918-582-5209


  • Veterans Affairs Shuttle

Visit Veterans Affairs Shuttle Website

Twice daily shuttle to VA Medical Center in Muskogee.

125 S Main St # 1B30

Muskogee , OK 74401



Or Call us at Generations and we will help you find transportation.  405-651-8462.  Ask for Danny!

Generations Home Care

3500 S Boulevard, Ste C-10

Edmond, OK 73013


© 2023 by Senior Residence. 

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