Hello, my name is Charity J. My career began a few years ago.
I worked in a nursing home as a dietary aide. I would see how shorthanded they were on nursing staff and how tired the C.N.A.’s would be from working so much. Some of them would get a little cranky with the residents and some were just mean to them. So, I decided to try to help make a change and became a C.N.A. myself.
I went to school and got my license. I then began to work in some of the nursing homes around my area. I loved it. Being able to help care for someone who cannot do it themselves made me feel like I had a purpose in this world. But something just didn’t feel right. I felt there was a bigger purpose for my help. I felt that I needed to care for individuals that needed a more one on one experience. So, I decided that I would become a Home Health Aide and went to school and got my license for me to help home bound people.
I started working for a company in my area, but I traveled so much and still had multiple patients.
Then I began working for Carl Phillips and Danny Lewis at Generations Home Care. I began to take care two little old ladies. One of the little ladies really just needed someone to listen to her and to just be her friend. She was a sweet lady and taught me a few new ways of cooking things. The second little old lady was bed bound and depended fully on the staff of Generations Home Care. She did not weigh much. She did not move or talk. She was like a shell of a person. I, along with other Generations' staff have taken care of her for a little over two years and worked hard with her. She now weighs over 100 lbs, walks with a cane, goes to doctor appointments, gets her hair done, goes to see movies, and many other activities. She is now a whole person and not just a shell. Her and I have become more like family instead of me just being someone taking care of her.
As for Carl and Danny, they are two of the best employers I have ever worked for. They are caring not only about the patients they also are very caring about their employees. They are always there for you even when you just need someone to talk to even if it has nothing to do with work. I would and do recommend them and Generations Home Care to anyone and everyone that needs help.
Charity J.